Longish article for "read more" example...
This is an example of a article that is longish, for me to test the Read More…" tutorial example. Let's see how this goes. This will be an example of a article with some interesting text, and here is the teaser that will make you want to click Read More…
Second Example Posting
This is part of my learning curve with Joomla.
Creating this in a offline editor (TextEdit), and pasting into the very WordPress-like interface for posting Joomla articles.
Here is a test to see if links transfer over: How to Haunt Your House.
The Joomla tutorial warns that it is best to compose off-line, "…to prevent loss or work during composition…". Always good advice, IMO, when dealing with web-based interfaces.
Reboot of The Holm Page
Reboot of the Holm Page
This is a reboot of The Holm Page, using Joomla. Theme and additional content coming soon. Learning more about how Joomla works.
Some aspects of the interface are similar to Wordpress, which I am somewhat more familiar with.
Goals for this page
- Create a modern, professional looking home page
- Create a central location for feeds to all of my other presences on the web: social media, blogs, photos, media, family members, dojo, work.
- Learn more about CMS (Content Management Systems) in general, and Joomla in particular. (Joomla is the CMS for my work's web site).
This very article is being creating following a Joomla tutorial.